Morrie Gasser's Home Page

So, you've reached my home page. Finally you have a life!

But wait--as long as you've gotten this far, click here to see how I spend my summer vacations. At right are two other scenes from the desert. For more entertainment, view Rob in an insane moment.
Click here for map

This page last updated December 2014

Check out Wildflowers of Hopkinton, a 12-year project to photographically catalog everything that blooms.

The New England Tenth Mountaineers, a summary of many years of winter backcountry trips to the Colorado Tenth Mountain Hut system.

Photos from the weddings of '98! And the grandchildren: Sounds of Emma, when she was a tot.

A hobby: barefoot cigar hiking: Exclusive photo of Hale-Bopp over Hopkinton: .

Another exclusive...a multi-exposure panorama of Big Pocket Overlook near Canyonlands, Utah. Click the photo for a HUGE panorama.

Another panorama closer to home:

I have thousands of photos from various exciting and boring events on Flickr.

Many winters ago, I accompanied up Mt. Cabot, where we celebrated his final (47th) 4000 footer with a BIG bottle of champagne.

On the right is Mt. Baldface, not a 4000 footer.

Once upon a time, Mt. Rainier presented an obstacle at 14,400'.  

See the big DEMO!!
Click on the photo to see my home office, and try to find me by ZEROING IN. Try this self portrait.

For a map to my house, click here. Realize you will have to zoom in to read it on your screen. However it should print nicely. Let know if it doesn't!

For something really useful, check out the Boston Grotto Home Page.

Pictures and Sounds of Family and Friends

First, here's us:

An ancient photo, and a Ted Turner imitation.

Now, an update to the old photo!!

Do I know this guy?

Here are some tests of an el-cheapo B&W scanner:

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